All About Chemistry 'O' Level - Teachers' Guides

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OL Chem

OL Chem

OL Chem

01 Measurements in Chemistry

02 Purification of Substances

03 Solids, Liquids and Gases

OL Chem

OL Chem

OL Chem

04 Elements and Compounds

05 Structure of Atoms

06 Chemical Bonds

OL Chem

OL Chem

OL Chem

07 Structure and Properties

08 Relative Masses of Atoms and Molecules

09 Counting Atoms: The Mole

OL Chem

OL Chem

OL Chem

10 Calculations Using Chemical Equations

11 The Periodic Table

12 Group Properties and Transition Elements

OL Chem

OL Chem

OL Chem

13 Properties of Metals

14 Extraction and Uses of Metals

15 Acids and Bases

OL Chem

OL Chem

OL Chem

16 Neutralisation and Salts

17 Ammonia

18 Chemical Analysis

OL Chem

OL Chem

OL Chem

19 Energy from Chemicals

20 Speed of Chemical Reactions

21 Redox Reactions

OL Chem

OL Chem

OL Chem

22 Electrolysis

23 Air and the Environment

24 Fuels and Crude Oil

OL Chem

OL Chem

OL Chem

25 Alkanes and Alkenes

26 Carboxylic Acids and Esters

27 Macromolecules